lunedì 21 ottobre 2013

Litterary memories

AI'm on the train on my way bavk from Edinburgh to London and the view is breathtaking.

All the villages and th woods and the green hills...

And the sea! I mean, I live on an island and work by the beach but this is so different.

The sea here is dark, agitated, torbid and it seems to be here to take back the land we inhabit.
And this whole idea is completed by the amazing cliffs that the waves try to have their way with.

I can really see how all this might have inspired so many writers, so much litterature...

I think I should come back here and rent a place by the sea to write my book.
Peace, quite and not having around anyone I know: it will be a masterpiece.

I have to stop writing here every 5 seconds to take pictures of the view...

Simply lovelly!

Looking at the cottages I can picture Marianne and Margaret Dashwood walking up and down or just Marianne tushing up to get a last good look at Willoughby's house...

I can see Elizabeth Bennet with her dress' bottom covered in mud power-walking towards Netherfield Park to check on Jane.

Ok, I guess the countryside is all about Miss Austen's works, but I have all the time in London to be Mrs Dalloway.

I can't even begin to immagine how hard it will be to walk around Bath with no Capt. Wentworth letter in my hands...

But back to this trip...

All the magic brought by the memories of Mansfield Park could be ruined by one thing only and here we have it: a group of loud, rude, smelly food eating Chinese people.

The postcard perfect view should have a different background so I think I'll enjoy it with my iPod in my ears...

giovedì 17 ottobre 2013

The bus chronicles

Ok so, as you might have figured out already, I'm on the bus.

I'm going back to my appartment from my parents' place to pack my things for London... Leaving tomorrow morning.

This bus is the one high school kids take from all the surrounding towns to get to those few, far away schools this area has to offer.

From scientific high-schools (just like the one I attended what now seems to be a life and a half ago) to professional training schools for restaurant staff and hotellerie (I suppose I should keep the French word for it... Just to have that certain je ne sais quoi).

All the students get off the bus on the third and fourth stop and at the fifth most of the people that work in the city hops on, so in a 5 minutes time both the average age and the main topics change drammatically...

I am, I think, between the two groups agewise, so I really have no comments on that except for "Lady, for crying out loud, buy pants that reach your ankles: this is not a fishing trip!" Or "Boys, for your own sake and the sake of your penis: learn the magic of deodorant!".

But what I wanted to write about is more the shift of topics/language we had here.

First of all boys seem to be mute this early in the morning, while girls had a lot to share: we had "new cell phone so I need all the numbers back... Mainly that guy's" and "are you coming tomorrow? I hear there will be a strike so we won't go in I might as well stay in bed..." ( just so you know here students'strikes aren't protests about the money cuts to education or unemployment or the lack of updating in the teaching programs... They are about the heaters being off - when it's 27 degrees outside - or the lack of vending machines in the hallways. Sorry, no more peace marches here... My heart is breaking) or, to resume our topic, my very favourite " if that bitch gets on do not let her seat next to me... I'll pretend I'm sleeping".

Change of passengers change of focus: most of them are sleeping and those 2/3 that aren't talked about " have you heard how early the tickets office closes at the bus station??? How can they do that? ( btw we have tickets machines as well so they could just buy the tickets there with no need for an office)" and "can you believe what are they asking me to do? I already givethem 8hours of my day I need time to enjoy my life!" and now they are reading and commenting today's paper with a series of "can you believe this?" "I knew this was going to happen" "I am not surprised" " All polititians are the same" and "Have you heard about that guy that killed his ex? He was the neighbour/cousin/relation of someone".

So now you have a panoramic view of what is like to take a bus from the middle of nowhere across a bunch of nobody towns.

Remember I am writing this from the bus, so be nice to my spelling!

giovedì 10 ottobre 2013

Life changes

This time I've decided: I'm turning my life around.

I need to change things if I want to enjoy what I am doing or do what I enjoy (????).

I don't want to live her anymore: fine!
I don't want to be a student any longer: perfect! 
I want to have my own place and my own job: fair enough!

So, these things are not just going to happen so, inspired by this amazing jazz piece playing on one of the iTunes stations (Drop that sack, by Johnny Dodds) I am making a life plan.

I am a very visual person you can say, so abstract goals never really stuck with me...
I need visual aids.

So as soon as I'll be done telling you/none about this I'll get paper and pen and design my future... Well... Not really my future... My path to it.

Keep your fingers crossed!

I'll try to post a picture of the plan later and keep you updated on how it will be going.

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013


Oh yes...

Just so you know...

You can comment on my posts, that would help

Fall nostalgic

So here I am, watching the third episode of the 10 season of Greys Anatomy...

Don't worry, no spoliers, I wouldn't ruin this for anyone, this show it's just awesome.

But we are not here to talk about shows, we will do that some other time (perhaps later... Most definetly later).

We are here to talk about Fall and all that implies.


I'm in town, it's October and it's 30 bloody degrees outside!!

And I don't want to hear all those "oh but you are so lucky... Blah blah blah... I'm freezing... Blah blah blah..." Because this is bloody October and I shouldn't be here sweating my pants off!

I love hot weather when I'm at the beach... By the pool... In a tropical country on vacation.

NOT when I have to clean up my room or go grocery shopping or going to the bank to pay my college tuition.

And most of all this heat makes the fish market right under my window smell as if a thousand fish died and they were left out for seagulls to feast on them.

Well I guess this worked.
All the complaining did take my mind off all the Greys Anatomy drama...

 I think I'll need more than this when I'll watch the Cory Monteith memorial Glee episode.

giovedì 3 ottobre 2013

Back in town

I must say I've never liked this city all that much...

It's noisy, cahotic (even with just 300.000 people in it), sometimes dirty and people are quite rude.

But now that I have been living here for almost 3 years I can see its appeal, I can see why people move here from all over the island.

I've been to bigger and better cities in my life and I think I can relate to the amazement of a person who spent all of her/his life in the middle of nowhere coming to a place where you actually need to get on a bus to go buy groceries.

But my friendship, love is too strong of a word for my feelings, with this city is based on a different ground: I don't really look for something to amaze me but for diversity.

I love being able again to eat out and not have to settle for pizza, going for drinks, happy hours, meetings, groups, societies... All this and more.

My social life has being resenting of our move back home, mainly because all of my friends now live somewhere else and, although I enjoy shopping with my mom and becoming one with my sofa, that just won't cut it for the whole week.

Soit's almost 2 pm and now I'll get dressed and I'll go out to grab a coffee or something with a new friend and I won't have to spend my time ri-orgnizing my closet.

Please, don't get me wrong, I'll have to lean that crap out of my closet. Just not now.

Maybe later?

martedì 1 ottobre 2013

On meditation

When I was younger my father got a CD with his newspaper and, as those were the 90's and CDs weren't all that out and about, I begged him to let me have it and he gave up soon enough.

Well, I get now why he didn't put much of a fight over this CD.

On the cover it read something like "Meditation music" or "Music for your meditation" or something, I can't quite recall now and, honestly, I'm too lazy to get up and get the CD on the shelf just above my head...

So no, not really my father's cup of tea and he didn't mind giving it away.

It was all super soft loungy music, I guess structured to get you in touch with your inner self and crap like that, so of course at 14 I loved it.

I started spending entire afternoons, meaning 2-3 hours, listening to it sitting on my sofa in my room in the dark, leggs crossed and eyes shut trying to find my inner centre.

I would get so mad about not being able to empty my head from all the thoughts...

And today I am here again, in my bed this time, looking out of the window and trying to find that same centre with pretty much the same results.

I guess my 14y-o self had better expectations for me.

Ç'est la vie!

lunedì 30 settembre 2013

And it all turns to brown


I'll save you all the blah blah blah about the beauty of the Fall, about how Nature's seasons reflect in our life circle and any more New Age-y stuff...

I just used the looks of the world as an excuse for a title.

This has been my first real day off in months and I spent it, in this order: watching tv, playing with my cat, baking, watching more tv, cleaning and feeling sick.

Not much as a day off, is it?

I need to collect all my powers and my good will to get my crap together.

Note to self: trust no one. Mainly cookbooks when they tell you to open the oven to check on the cake 10 minutes before it should be done. Damn you!

Hating life with my whole headache.

sabato 28 settembre 2013

Long time no see

So it seems that consistency isn't my forte...

Well we all have that one thing that just won't change.

So I am back, hopefully in a more serious way and with more interesting, challenging, diverse posts.


This is the end of my summer, not the usual 21 of September one, just mine; and of those few brave enough to share it with me at work.

Tomorrow is my last day here at the resort and as usual I feel conflicted about it.
Not only because of the monthly income that I will be missing but for several other reasons...

I am super happy to go back to my bed and my bathroom and my cat ( oh yes... One of the two died this spring... May the bastard that poisoned my baby burn in hell) and my kitchen and much much more... But at the same time I will miss the rythm.

I am the laziest person you'll ever meet so I need structure in my life. I need a schedule. I need projects and plans or nothing will ever get done around me.

But this aside I'm mostly glad it's over so I can face back all my "real life" duties and see where I'm at.

Will try to keep you posted...

Hopefully ;)