mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012

12 days of Christmas

Well, perhaps not 12 days, but sure Christmas seems way longer than 1 day around here.

As you can clearly see I got lazy and i haven't written much lately, but let me tell you why.

I've been at my parents' for 5 days now and I've been on a "tour de force" ever since.

Day 1: get my stuff out of the way and get some study done (French mid terms are just around the shiny holiday corner);

Day 2: Get some more French out of the way but just so we can clear the table to finish all the wrapping and card-writing.... for some strange reason I seem to be the only one who can write in my family when needed... "Oh but you have I nicer handwriting..." "I wouldn't know what to write..." "I don't feel like doing it" (that last one being a direct quote from  my brother);

Day 3: THE COOKING BEGINS! We had everything ready to make lasagna (so many portions to freeze for those famous rainy days) and to get started on the Christmas Eve food: we grilled the veggies, defrosted the prawns and the mussels and get the cauliflower on its way;

Day 4: It's Christmas Eve!!! Wake-up, get up, eat up, shower up, dress up, make up... All this just to go see some relatives and make a fool of myself in front of the biggest assembly of food ever seen. Skip dinner and off to the bar for my Christmas treat (or every day treat): a nice Jack with one ice cube;

Day 5: Try to get up and off for a nice left-overs lunch.... Die all afternoon;

TODAY: Survive.

After all we kind of owe to our families/friends to be there for them in the time of need.
"Need" meaning when there's way to much food to be eaten by only one person.

Hopefully tomorrow everything will be back to normal. Or to whatever you might call my normality.

giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

Home for the Holidays

And I'm back...

Back home and back to this blog...

As you might have noticed, I'm not very dedicated and sometimes when the bed calls not even the long to share pointless information can get you up and running.

So today I made my way to my parents' house (my house?) and I'll be here for the next 2 weeks.

The best thing about being back in school (yes, I am 28 and back in school... I got lazy my first time around) is how much time we get off for the holidays...

It's not really a break because we have mid-terms as soon as we get back (those bastards...) so it's just a nice way to say "Look, us professors are going to go rest a bit for 2 weeks... You guys should spend your time on your books and fuck right and wrong".

I can't wait to be out of school and back working!!

Work: something we all must go though to get what we want. Money, that's what we want. And power. Money and power.

Practice your evil laughs my friends!

martedì 18 dicembre 2012

Little lies...

Well... I cheated myself... Again.

I went out to buy the veggies I was supposed to eat for lunch and... I didn't.

I walk out... it's super windy... I go get the money and I think "Uhm... I live right in front of the fish market... I never eat enough fish..."

And then I remembered: I don't eat fish!

So I compromised and bought sushi... 25 pieces...

 Any regrets? I could have gone for more...

Leaving the bed...

It's pretty much 11am and I should really get up.

I've been awake for about 1 hour and watched every downloaded new episode of everything already so I can hardly make an excuse to stay in any longer.
But how can I get up? The bed is so nice and indulging is so easy...

And outside is the usual island day, you know, sun shining-chilly winter so a walk should be in order and I really have to go buy something for lunch if I don't want to eat soup again.

I was thinking something like cauliflower salad... Crap, I even eat like an old maid.

I should  get a new playlist for when I'm writing here... Bonnie Tyler isn't really helping...
Fun fact: "Total eclipse of the heart" is the first song I've ever sung at a karaoke bar.

I guess it wasn't such a fun fact.


It's set: I'll go out now to buy my cauliflower and have that for lunch. Or maybe not... We'll see

lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

New Beginings


Once again I'm trying to start a blog... let's see how this goes.

I read somewhere that you should write about what you know and find a topic you could really follow up so I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought "Well... I am fat. That's a fact".

Don't worry, this won't be one of those self-pity blogs about how miserable life is and how nobody understands and bla bla bla...
I mean, it is a struggle being fat and all, I ain't going to lie, BUT life is good.

As you can see I put a photo of one of my cats here (yes... I am a single, fat cat lady) because I am very self-conscious and I'm just not there yet.

What I want to do is take you through my days and my life and use this blog as a motivator to follow my diet.
I'm 88 kilos now (about 194 pounds... I think) and 1.63m (4.6 ft) so you'll see this is not where I should be.

My goal is to get to 68 kilos ( 149 pounds) because I don't really want to be skinny... just healthier.

Most days I'll write about food and awkwardness, but I might digress, so be ready.

Well... let's see how this goes.
