mercoledì 21 settembre 2016

There I go... here I go again... you know.

And today's title is brought you by Sixpence None The Richer. If you didn't know that, well, now you do.

You might be asking "Where did she go again? What is the silly mistake she just repeated?".
Easy: I broke one of my own rules.

Or maybe a few.

I am obviously not going to tell you the exact rule I broke (or the group of rules I broke), because life is just more fun this way and this post is not about you breaking into my private life.

Wait. It is about you breaking into my private life but not by direct quotes.


Let me change the soundtrack before opening my rulebook to you: Walk of life sounds apropriate.

Now that I am all upbeat (what??) and dance-y I will let you in.

I have lived my life by a certain ammount of rules, some I made for myself, some I picked here and there I can't even remember where; when I'll remember, I'll let you know.

Most rules involve how I should behave with others, some concern my health, some clothing, some music.

FYI: rules will not be listed in order of importance but as I can recall them.

1- Never (ever) wear anything that cuts right under the knee: I'm not 80 not 180cm
2- Don't buy an album because "that song was a summer hit": it's going to be awful
3- Don't drink alcohol when sad: we all know it's going to lead to a Bridget Jones moment with no Colin Firth but plenty of morning after
4- Try (at least try) not to drink alone, any mood you're in: it's a shortcut to liver diseases
5- Never fall for a guy before he falls for you: he might never do
6- Never like a person more than he/she likes you: applies for friends, lovers, crushes, bosses, storeclerks, ...
7- Do to others as you would have them do to you. Even I can't argue this Jesus quote
8- Never mix your whites and reds: neither in the wash nor in your stomach
9- No regrets: well, not really.... But as little regrets as possible
10- Never, for any reason, hold a grudge: they can kill you on your way to death
11- There always are at least 2 ways of saying the same thing, choose wisely
12- Remember that whatever comes out of your mouth can be perceived differently from what you intended by others
13- Every situation has a song that would be perfect for it; it most likely is by Alanis Morissette or Simon and Garfunkel or Robbie Williams
14- Never eat saussages before going to bed. Try.
15- Be careful who you show your true colors to. Let it be someone who knows the song
16- Be smart on cleavage-showing: there's no coming back from some photos
17- Hide a broken heart: nobody wants to see that
18- Never, under no circumnstances, say "yes" when you meant "no"
19- Never eat from someone else's plate: this has both a litteral and figurate meaning. Plate sharing could be gross and you should never EVER take someone else's boyfriend. It isn't fair nor fun nor positive karma
20- Limit lies to white ones. Or fun ones

Uhm... I can't remember the others... I could have sworn there were more...

Anyhow.... Wanna guess the rules I broke just in the past 3 weeks?

On your mark, get set, GO!

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