giovedì 22 marzo 2018

Just another birthday post

So, here we are on the eve of my 34th birthday.

Not a big one.

Not a special one.

Just a regular, once-a-year birthday.

Just time to put down in words (I hope you don't mind my half-quote) (wink wink*) a few achievements of this not-so-long, not-as-peculiar-as-you-might-think life of mine.

In 34 years I... :

- Got an uncoutable ammount of pets; cats, dogs, turtles, birds, fish... I had plenty and named all of them something different (all but 3 cats I had and named them all Banana... I guess we'll call that "a phase"). I loved them all: the actually owned and the random strays. I cried at every single loss.

- Cried a couple of rivers, to say the least; oh, yeah, big crybaby over here. A good movie, a loss, a random funeral on tv, a random wedding on tv, friends' weddings and babies... You name it, I cried it (??).

- Called "home" 11 different places; some for a few months, some for a year, some by choice, some because they happened. My heart belongs to all of them. And I òloved cleaning all of them just as well.

- Got a car... and only slightly damaged it. I mean, yes, I did crash my lesftside headlight, but who hasn't? (while parking in an indoor parking place, going 3 mt/h and scratching a Range Rover).

- Planted and proceded to killing several plats and flowers. No questions asked.

- Broke my heart about... let me count those... wait, let's count only those when my heart skipped a beat and then felt like it sunk when it lost... I dare say it was about 5 times. Not as many as I would have thought. N.5 is actually still in progress, so we should move on to the next topic.

- Lost and gained around a 1.000 kilos; they always seem to find their way back, those bastards!

- Worked almost the whole jobs' spectrum: from babysitter to sales person, from dishwasher to highschool teacher, from housemaid to receptionist... and much more!

- Got published twice (guess you didn't know that, did you? Ah? Gotcha!) as part of a new poets collection. Take that surprised look off of your faces! Jerks...

- Bought a Christmas tree. I know, it ain't much, but it was a goal of mine.

So these are done...

Obviously I have done more, but these felt like needed sharing. Not like learning to fly a plane. Also because I haven't done that...

Any suggestions so what should come next? As they say: the best has yet to come.

martedì 13 febbraio 2018

On True Love, and how it conquers it all

What do I do when my love is away?
(Does it worry you to be alone?)
How do I feel by the end of the day?
(Are you sad because you're on your own?)
No I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Of all my life mistakes, great and small, one I never made: I always knew I had true love with me.

But what is true love after all, how do you know if what you have is "it" or just some ordinary, partially eaten, half-understood feeling?

Here below is a simple questionnaire to help you figure it out:

- Does this person make you feel better when you are down?

- Does this person shut down your hopes with a spoonfull of reality?

- Is this person the second thing you think about when you get up in the morning and the second last thing when you go to bed? (let's face it: first and last are "I have to pee")

- Is this person the one who's text you never expect, and yet, always get?

- Does this person get the right snaks at the right time?

- Is this person holding the door, even if mad?

- Does this person take your side, but still is liked by your parents?

- Is this person Jude Law?

If you answered "yes" to 7 out of 8 questions (of course he's not Jude Law, get real!) you have the dragon slaying, tower climbing, curse breaking, cooking baking kitten saving Love.

Yes, with the capital L.

Like Lebanon. Or Louise. Or lesbians in politically correct tv shows.

Tomorrow it's Valentine's day, make it count; I know I will.

Oh, yes sorry, I might have misled you: I am still single and trying (poorly, thank you for asking) to mingle, but I do haveTrue Love with me.

I have its traits, so that when he'll come along I'll know I wo't have to settle down.

In the meantime, tomorrow I will wear a pretty red dress (slightly slutty around the hedges), I will buy flowers, get me a nice juicy steak (horse most likely) (yes, I said it: I'm going to eat horse, you judgemental bastards), I will go to work, cry perhaps a bit in my car (still single on Valentine's day after all: let's play a bit with the clichès), open a bottle of wine and have a good day.

Not hoping, nor waiting: just living it.

Sex would be nice too, I will see what I can do about that.