mercoledì 1 marzo 2017

Who's whatching? Tell me who's watching

I'm just an average man, with an average life.
I work from nine to five; hey hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home;
But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, and
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
And I have no privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Tell me is it just a dream?

I will admit this time I went a bit overboard with the lyrics,but tellme: how much is too much Rockwell? I knew you didn't know...

This, anyhow, wants to be a post about OVERSHARING.

Yeah, I know, right? Me. Writing about sharing too much. On a blogI use to share just anything with just anyone.

Isn't this ironic? Don't you think? (got you there!)

But, seriously, I am the first one to admit how addicted I am to social networks, binge-reading other people's crap, blogging, twitting, instagramming, #hastagging and all... At least it ain't cocain... Or is it?

One thing I'll say: the line stands where the needle comes in.

Again, loosingtrack of the post...

I just wanted to spend a fewminutes reminiscing about those good old days when you actually had to be cunning to plot revenge, not passive-agressive.
When you had to go out and find someone with a new car to stalk someone, not turn on your phone.

But most of all I miss the days of denial.

Ah, those were the days...

You could pretend people weren't actually loosing weight, he never moved on, you still looked like you did at 18 (or better, NOT), everyone had cats you didn't need to know unless you met them and I could still pretend you didn't say "Hello" because you didn't recognize her/him.

And, BTW, now that we are on topic, how formal have our relationships with our friends' pets become??

It's like, I see your cat/dog/rabbit/bear/dragon on one of these platforms, and you most definitely have seen mine (plus a thousand randos I saw on the streets and where too cute to be real), so we all feel like we should mention them in our conversations, and that part I actually love...

But what when we atually MEET the pet? Should  we introduce ourselves? Has it seen OUR picture before? How does it feel about meeting my pet?

Sometimes I just want to go up to those pets, shake their paw and say "My name is Giulia, I am a great admirer of your work. The way you slept the other day... Just marvelous. I have a cat who sleps as well, perhaps I should introduce the two of you. Thank you. Much obbliged for your time."

But, back on oversharing...

Should we do it? I know (again) that it is addictive, but don't we wantpeople not to know? I mean, there are at least 7 things I read between yesterday and today that I really did NOT want to know.
Sad things happening. Sad things people are doing to me. No spell-check. Ignorance on topics you should shut up about. Hair growing in places...

And I think thelast two were Doc and Grumpy.

Or maybe I'm Grumpy.

They are going to make it all better.

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