lunedì 30 settembre 2013

And it all turns to brown


I'll save you all the blah blah blah about the beauty of the Fall, about how Nature's seasons reflect in our life circle and any more New Age-y stuff...

I just used the looks of the world as an excuse for a title.

This has been my first real day off in months and I spent it, in this order: watching tv, playing with my cat, baking, watching more tv, cleaning and feeling sick.

Not much as a day off, is it?

I need to collect all my powers and my good will to get my crap together.

Note to self: trust no one. Mainly cookbooks when they tell you to open the oven to check on the cake 10 minutes before it should be done. Damn you!

Hating life with my whole headache.

sabato 28 settembre 2013

Long time no see

So it seems that consistency isn't my forte...

Well we all have that one thing that just won't change.

So I am back, hopefully in a more serious way and with more interesting, challenging, diverse posts.


This is the end of my summer, not the usual 21 of September one, just mine; and of those few brave enough to share it with me at work.

Tomorrow is my last day here at the resort and as usual I feel conflicted about it.
Not only because of the monthly income that I will be missing but for several other reasons...

I am super happy to go back to my bed and my bathroom and my cat ( oh yes... One of the two died this spring... May the bastard that poisoned my baby burn in hell) and my kitchen and much much more... But at the same time I will miss the rythm.

I am the laziest person you'll ever meet so I need structure in my life. I need a schedule. I need projects and plans or nothing will ever get done around me.

But this aside I'm mostly glad it's over so I can face back all my "real life" duties and see where I'm at.

Will try to keep you posted...

Hopefully ;)