giovedì 22 marzo 2018

Just another birthday post

So, here we are on the eve of my 34th birthday.

Not a big one.

Not a special one.

Just a regular, once-a-year birthday.

Just time to put down in words (I hope you don't mind my half-quote) (wink wink*) a few achievements of this not-so-long, not-as-peculiar-as-you-might-think life of mine.

In 34 years I... :

- Got an uncoutable ammount of pets; cats, dogs, turtles, birds, fish... I had plenty and named all of them something different (all but 3 cats I had and named them all Banana... I guess we'll call that "a phase"). I loved them all: the actually owned and the random strays. I cried at every single loss.

- Cried a couple of rivers, to say the least; oh, yeah, big crybaby over here. A good movie, a loss, a random funeral on tv, a random wedding on tv, friends' weddings and babies... You name it, I cried it (??).

- Called "home" 11 different places; some for a few months, some for a year, some by choice, some because they happened. My heart belongs to all of them. And I òloved cleaning all of them just as well.

- Got a car... and only slightly damaged it. I mean, yes, I did crash my lesftside headlight, but who hasn't? (while parking in an indoor parking place, going 3 mt/h and scratching a Range Rover).

- Planted and proceded to killing several plats and flowers. No questions asked.

- Broke my heart about... let me count those... wait, let's count only those when my heart skipped a beat and then felt like it sunk when it lost... I dare say it was about 5 times. Not as many as I would have thought. N.5 is actually still in progress, so we should move on to the next topic.

- Lost and gained around a 1.000 kilos; they always seem to find their way back, those bastards!

- Worked almost the whole jobs' spectrum: from babysitter to sales person, from dishwasher to highschool teacher, from housemaid to receptionist... and much more!

- Got published twice (guess you didn't know that, did you? Ah? Gotcha!) as part of a new poets collection. Take that surprised look off of your faces! Jerks...

- Bought a Christmas tree. I know, it ain't much, but it was a goal of mine.

So these are done...

Obviously I have done more, but these felt like needed sharing. Not like learning to fly a plane. Also because I haven't done that...

Any suggestions so what should come next? As they say: the best has yet to come.