mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

On second chances...

We mostly her about second chances in movies, books, other people's lives...
Don't get much of those in our own life, at least I know I don't.

But I often wonder: would be really ready for them? Are we ready to take a different path, to make a new choice, to try something rlse for a change?

I mean, if you wonder back to all of your missed chances I bet that you will notice that they are pretty much all similar... 
All about the one that got away, about those trips you should have taken, those job offers you turned down, things you should have applied for... And so on and on and on...

Well, my dears, let me tell you that you are not ready.

If you would have been you would have done something about it already: second chances do not just happen, you have to make them happen.

I shall give you a practical example of what I mean, take from my very own life experience, which I now realize is not much to speak of.


I'll tell you the story of a guy that I used to like when I was a freshman in college, it's a very short and only slightly pathetic story compared to others of mine so don't be affraid:
So, as you have already guessed, there was this one guy, a little (much) older related to one of my flat  mates so he came by for a few days to visit and we got very much along; 
He was (I suppose he still is) cute, very funny, clever, interesting, very tall with a nice job... 
In short he was the whole package.

To make a long story short once we were talking once, about music if I'm not mistaking, and he tried to kiss me. I really liked him. Really. That's why I pulled away so fast I banged my head against the wall.

He came back to visit once again after that and my flat mate had already moved out to a place nearby so he called me up to see me.

Tah dah! A second chance right there!

And that's the story of how a guy tried to kiss me twice and I banged my head against the wall TWICE.

Yet, I don't think I've learned my lesson.

I hope you do!